
Dinghy Sailing in Ramsey

Ramsey Bay is a great place to sail, being protected from the prevailing South Westerlies and having moderate, mostly northerly-running, tides of approximately 2kn. The result is that the Club stages races in relatively flat water for most of the time. Dinghies are beach launched from hard standing in front of the Club House. Ramsey, like all of the Island, is subject to large tidal ranges. The Club tries to avoid racing between low tide and half tide due the amount of beach that is exposed at these times, and the consequent long pull for the racers.

We host the opening regatta of the Manx season each Easter, races most weekends and a club regatta in the Summer. We participate in the Manx Club’s travellers series.
DinghyDinghy Captain

Ralph Kee

Dinghy Fleets

  • Laser
  • RS Feva
  • Handicap


The club operates up to two Ribs, a Rigiflex and an Arvor committee boat.